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When a word starts to mean the opposite

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It sometimes happens that a word begins to mean (roughly) the opposite of what it was initially defined to be.

This is the definition of manufacture in 2018 -
manufacture | /man·u·fac·ture/ | verb
To make (something) on a large scale using machinery.

However, the word dervies from the latin words manus (meaning hand) and factus (meaning to make). The definition of the same word in 1618 was probably -
manufacture | /man·u·fac·ture/ | verb
To make (something) using hands.

As of 2018, the word self-driving car means the following -
self-driving car | /self-drɑɪ·vɪŋ-kɑːr/ | noun
A robotic vehicle that is designed to travel between destinations without a human operator.

Perhaps in 2118 it will mean the following -
self-driving car | /self-drɑɪ·vɪŋ-kɑːr/ | noun
A vehicle that is designed to travel between destinations while being controlled by a human operator.

Any other words come to mind? Let me know.

Abhijit Tomar is an IIT Bombay alumnus currently working as a software developer at Microsoft. When he's not programming, he's usually out for a run.

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